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Bringing your taxesinto line
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We love tax! The field of tax is exciting and diversified and can be structured – even diversifiably structured. Optimum tax solutions require expertise, creativity, depth of experience and an interdisciplinary change in perspective as well as a desire to pare things down to the minimum – less is more.

What’s important is the final result.

Albert Einstein already knew this. “This is too difficult for a mathematician. It takes a philosopher. The hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax.” We know how taxes can be optimized when various disciplines profit from one another. When philosophers and mathematicians, tax experts, economists, lawyers and other experts come together to create individual concepts and solutions.

More successful together: our clients profit from the diversity of perspectives afforded by our Winsulting® service philosophy. While we bring your tax matters into line, we hold true to our motto, “What’s important is the final result.”

“The best angle for looking at your tax matters is 360°.”

Tax advisory

Within the framework of our Winsulting® service philosophy our tax experts – and our clients – can leverage their professional competence and profit from the networked holistic and interdisciplinary approach to assess the overall situation of your company.

In this way we are able to make a detailed assessment of your accounting function and reduce your tax burden. As a result of our synergetic analyses, we present you with viable options and alternatives for dealing with tax officials and banks and thus make a significant contribution to your business situation.

Financial accounting

Only when your finances are in order can you shape your future. Our financial accounting ensures transparency by providing you with all the relevant financial indicators of your organization to allow you to undertake the right measures in good time.

To this end we offer you various services, staggered in line with your individual requirements and wishes. We make use of all the technical possibilities afforded by digitized accounting and electronic banking to ensure rapid and seamless processing.

With us you can exploit the benefits of digitization. You can transfer your source documents to us electronically. Naturally, we guarantee a high level of data security. Thanks to digitizing the financial accounting, we can ensure that the information base is uniform and up-to-date. A secure electronic archive reduces the volume of queries to a minimum. In addition, you save the need to sort and mail paper documents. Another advantage: optimization of your customer and supplier management! The use of the data for dunning procedures and payments avoids the need to enter the same data twice. We will provide you with up-to-date digital analyses of your company and can naturally perform your dunning procedures and propose payments.

Financial accounting à la Gehrke Econ – what we deliver:

Setting up or converting your financial accounting
When setting up or converting your financial accounting we take account of all the individual circumstances of your company. We identify the processes of your company as a foundation for making business decisions.

Day-to-day financial accounting (DATEV system)
Bookkeeping is more than a matter of collecting source documents, mapping them to accounts and correctly entering them. In addition to our standard services, we offer a comprehensive suite of special services. In the process, we consider all the requirements of modern financial accounting.

External provision of financial accounting (on site).
We take care of your financial accounting, applying our extensive regional and industry expertise and independent of the respective data processing system, to review the compliance of the financial accounting.

Payroll accounting

We understand that punctual, complete and accurate settlement of your wages and salaries is indispensible. This extends to transferring the payroll data to your financial accounting and closing your expense accounts at year-end. Last but not least, payroll accounting is a challenging field on account of labor law and social security legislation. We support you in this regard, not only by providing the lastest professional information and meeting deadlines. Thanks to our interdisciplinary approach we can guarantee that you receive competent advisory services and solutions related to labor law and social security legislation. We advise you on how to generate higher net wages for your employees from their gross receipts. The high degree of digitization allows us to optimize processes during field audits by the authorities: a complete documentary record and detailed planning in advance culminate in less on-site presence by the auditors and fewer questions. We have got your back, leaving you to concentrate on your core business.

Payroll accounting à la Gehrke Econ – what we deliver:

Setting up and converting your payroll accounting
Drawing up wage category plans (e.g. tariffs, construction industry wages), document management,  entry vouchers for the financial accounting system (DATEV or other data-processing system), day-to-day payroll accounting including administrative work and special work at year end (e.g. DEÜV entries) and other HR-related services, such as individual statistics for HR reports, analyses of personnel expenses or industry reports.

Digital personnel files
These allow an uncomplicated and secure exchange of digital documents, such as doctors’ certificates. A structured filing system facilitates immediate access to files and ensures that the information base is uniform. It reduces printing and archiving costs as well as the number of subsequent queries on both sides while simultaneously ensuring compliance with the GDPR and archiving duties.

Reimbursing travel expenses
Organisation, execution and/or checking of the reimbursement of travel expenses as well as drawing up guidelines on out-of-pocket expenses.

Optimizing net wage payments
Assisting clients at selecting the appropriate instruments including reviews in terms of labor law or social security legislation. Assisting in their implementation and presenting plans to employees.

Specialists in labor costs
By exploiting the available interfaces, we obtain the greatest possible benefit for you from data records that only need to be entered once. For example, you can transfer the data from your time sheets directly to us.  We ensure that you obtain the maximum benefit and will support you by showing which interface functionality is possible. As a result, your reporting can be drawn up in optimal fashion and professionally.

Compiling the financial statements

Compiling financial statements is not only mandatory, it also serves to promote the image projected by the company. From Gehrke Econ you will receive a standard version applicable to the respective legal form of your organization as well as any additional financial statements in keeping with your needs and ideas. As business presentations, financial statements are equally suited for use as marketing instruments or in negotiations with potential creditors.

Financial statements à la Gehrke Econ – what we deliver:

Financial statements
For sole traders, partnerships (including limited partnerships) and stock corporations, taking account of the requirements of the German Commercial Code and presenting the legal and tax background as well as the general disclosures on the financial statements, the balance sheet, the income statement and, if applicable, the notes to the financial statements. If desired, we can run plausibility checks and make disclosures on the financial circumstances of the company.

This extends to special framework financial reporting and supplementary balance sheets as required. Likewise, we can draw up the versions for the commercial register published in the Federal Gazette and the electronic reporting format required by the applicable fiscal authorities (“E-Bilanz”). Naturally, we can also provide you, and your bank if requested, with a digital version of your financial statements.

Creating business reports and management reports
Presentation of the course of business, results of operations and the situation of the company for SMEs and large stock corporations.

Additional notes and explanations
To round off the financial statements. These create more transparency by providing analyses of the balance sheet and break-downs of the line items in the balance sheet and income statement.

Statements of net assets, overindebtedness and financial status
A comparison of assets and liabilities on a certain cut-off date serves to present the actual situation of the company’s net assets. The financial status compares the available cash and cash equivalents to short-term liabilities. It is used to make a snapshot of any cash surplus or cash deficit.

Balance sheets
Balance sheets are a necessity, particularly in the case of a change in legal form. They include

  • opening balance sheets when companies are founded by contribution in kind and a report is needed
  • spin-offs (splits and spin-offs, outsourcing) and financial reporting is required
  • reorganizations and financial reporting is required
  • restructuring balance sheets and other uses
  • summary of net assets in insolvencies (e.g. liquidity planning)
  • liquidation balance sheets

Compiling consolidated financial statements
as a source of information for shareholders, creditors and investors.

Tax returns for the operation

With our detailed knowledge of tax legislation, broad experience and the latest software we relieve you of the task of meeting your tax reporting obligations while simultaneously making the best use of the available options and tax structures. If desired, all data exchange can be performed electronically. We draw up the required tax returns for your company and within the framework of company transmissions and communicate changes in the legal framework to you on a regular basis. Our experts support you on the international stage or with special tax issues, such as single entry accounting for municipalities.


Advising you on the possible tax structures for your business

Tax structures for businesses
We will support you at finding the optimal structure for your business assets that is in tune with your personal ideas and your commercial and legal situation. Our advisory services are proactive and tailored to your individual needs. You will be well-equipped for any changes in the legal environment.

Tax structures à la Gehrke Econ – what we deliver:

  • Selection of legal form and change in legal form from a tax perspective
  • Optimizing tax structures during corporate acquisitions and divestments
  • Optimizing tax for pension plans and employee participation models
  • Financial advice, e.g. during planned investments and optimizing tax structures
  • Succession arrangements
  • Restructuring
  • Business valuations
  • Earnings projections for tax purposes
  • Expert reports and statements

Providing assistance during tax field audits and other special audits

As interdisciplinary experts we meet official inspectors eye-to-eye. Thanks to our decades of experience in accompanying tax audits we are able to clarify the legal position at an early state, work out suitable strategies for maintaining assets and wealth and optimize the results. We will provide you with full support during both private and company tax audits as well as during audits by social security institutions.

If needed, we will accompany you when it comes to protecting your rights – lodging appeals up to the level of the Federal Finance Court – with support from our colleagues in our law firm, who have the necessary experience with court hearings.


Tax advisory services for private individuals

Managing private assets is matter of trust
We advise you in terms of both your business assets and your private assets. In a confidential exchange we discuss your goals and business situation and provide you with advice that is both professionally competent and transparent. As an independent advisor, we have no interest in selling particular products but rather make recommendations of how to arrive at the target of a secure, tailored structure for your private wealth.

Within the framework of our Winsulting® service philosophy – where experts from various disciplines work closely together – we provide you our full support when addressing issues such as business succession, transferring assets to the next generation, structuring wills and testatments and drawing up pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements.

Tax returns and tax advisory for private individuals

Tax returns
Thanks to our team of experts we find optimal solutions even within the complex legal framework surrounding annual income tax returns and tax returns for estates and gifts. As a result of our interdisciplinary cooperation, our lawyers are up to date with the latest court judgments on tax law and civil law proceedings and offer top flight legal assurance, professionalism and cost efficiency. We offer you transparent personal advisory services to relieve the burden of this unwelcome task and provide you with long-term planning assurance.

Tax advisory
When providing tax advisory services, our focus lies on providing you with the greatest possible tax savings by drawing up forward-looking, intergenerational tax planning. Our specialists advise and accompany you on such issues of advance settlement of rights of succession, making investments and finance decisions or when founding family entities. The interdisciplinary cooperation with our law firm allows us to defend the chosen tax structures in dealings with the tax office or financial courts.

Family Office

With our Family Office we offer you independent and neutral advisory services related to your private wealth. We make an inventory of your private assets and liabilities in balance sheets and draw up cash flow projections to create a high level of transparency. If requested, we can also perform a range of other services, such as your private bookkeeping which will reflect your investments, shareholdings, real estate holdings and private cash flows. We can support you by providing secretarial services or accompany you when passing on your assets to the next generation.

Our understanding of a Family Office is not based on how much wealth you have. You can rely on our neutral expertise when choosing products, which we tailor solely to your individual needs.

Private financial planning

In our view, structuring and controlling your assets are vital steps for the planning and the composition of your private assets. We work out a tailored plan for your finances, taking account of your personal situation and your goals and desires. Day-to-day monitoring and continuous adjustment of your assets to match the planning are important elements of this. We would be happy to assist you with managing your private assets both in Germany and abroad in the various categories (equities, bonds, real estate, cash) or advising you on such questions as “when can I afford to retire?”, “what happens when one of the breadwinners can’t work?”, “how can I best finance my real estate?” or if you need a statement on your net worth for your bank.

When you retire, would you like to retain the same living standard that you have become accustomed to? Use our inflation calculator to learn how much money you will need each month when you retire.

Online inflation calculator

Or would you prefer to get an idea of your net worth first? Use our online calculator to determine your net worth. This calculates your freely available liquidity and the assets you have tied up.

Online net worth calculator

Estate planning

Many of our clients ask themselves when is the right time to address the issue of their estate. However, when to address this issue is not the decisive question but rather how to address the constantly changing succession issues over the course of your life. In younger years the central issues are generally providing for your family or avoiding passing on your estate to minors. Later in life the focus turns to optimizing tax structures upon transferring your net wealth and avoiding family disputes. We help you to find the right measure and coordinate any required contracts, such as your testament, a living will or articles of association.

Execution of an estate

We not only help you with structuring your estate but can also provide support with your succession issues. As the executor of your estate we can ensure the estate is correctly distributed and also install management of your estate for the long term. In the case of complex asset structures or family conflicts, or when the heirs are minors or incapacitated, it can make sense to appoint an executor for your estate.

Michael Bautz,
° Tax advisor ° Managing Director
  • Apprenticeship as a tax clerk
  • 1997 appointed as a certified tax advisor
  • Since 2013 Managing Director of Gehrke Econ Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
Main focus
  • Compiliation of financial statements for stock corporations and partnerships and special purpose frameworks
  • Drawing up the associated tax returns
  • Providing assistance during tax audits
Jens Bruns,
° Diplom-Kaufmann (FH) ° Tax advisor ° Manager ° Partner
  • Apprenticeship as a tax clerk, university studies majoring in tax, auditing and banking
  • 2004 Appointed as a certified tax advisor
  • Since 2014 Managing Partner
  • Lecturer in “MBA, Management of SMEs” for masters students at the University of Hanover
Main focus
  • Private and business tax returns
  • Succession issues and transfers of private wealth
  • Advising not-for-profit organizations"
Ulrich Gehrke,
° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Auditor ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
  • Studies with a focus on tax and auditing, thereafter employed at KPMG and EY
  • Since 1992 Managing Partner
  • Advisory board of and HANNOVER Finanz
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the global advisory network GGI
  • Lecturer in “MBA, Management of SMEs” for masters students at the University of Hanover
Main focus
  • Advising on tax structures
  • Advising on anticipated succession issues
  • Private asset management
Olaf Goldmann,
° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Auditor ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
  • Studies at the University of Göttingen
  • Employed at PwC and other large advisory firms
  • Since 2014 Managing Partner
Main focus
  • Auditing and advising SMEs and groups of companies
  • Auditing separate and consolidated financial statements (HGB and IFRS)
  • Restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, due diligence
Stephan Hachmeyer,
° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Auditor ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
  • Trained as an industrial clerk and studied economics in Paderborn
  • Worked for PwC for many years
  • Appointment as tax consultant 2010 / as auditor 2014
  • Since 2021 Managing Director
Main focus
  • Preparation, consulting and review of sustainability information
  • Auditing and consulting of medium-sized industrial companies and handicraft enterprises
  • Accounting of annual and consolidated financial statements according to HGB and IFRS
  • Auditing of IT systems in small and medium-sized enterprises (project-related or regularity and security requirements)
  • Business audits (ISAE 3000 / ISRS 4400)
Dr. Dennis J. Hartmann,
° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Auditor ° Tax advisor ° Specialist in international tax law ° Specialist consultant for restructuring and corporate planning (DStV e.V.) ° Managing Director ° Partner
  • Studies of commerce at the Universities of Hanover and Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Diploma)
  • 2011 appointed as a certified tax advisor, 2013 as a public auditor
  • Employed at Hannover Rück, Linklaters and PwC
  • Since 2018 Managing Partner
Main focus
  • Tax consulting
  • Restructuring
  • Tax structuring of company acquisitions and sales
  • Due Diligence
  • International tax law and transfer pricing
  • Reorganisation and restructuring
  • Audit of annual financial statements
  • Special audits
Franz-Josef Kirse,
° Dipl.-Ing. agr. ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
  • Managing Partner of Gehrke Econ Celle Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH with locations in Celle and Hermannsburg
Main focus
  • Business succession
  • Selection of legal form
  • Tax structures (private and business)
  • Gift tax, estate tax
  • Agricultural and forestry sector
Martin Lütge,
° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
  • Managing shareholder of Gehrke Econ Lehrte Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH with locations in Lehrte and Peine
Main focus
  • Financial statements, tax returns for businesses
  • Drawing up tax returns for private persons
  • Advising on welfare facilities (PBV)
  • Business formations and business consulting
  • Assisting during tax field audits
Denise Staak,
° Dipl.- Juristin ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
  • Apprenticeship in higher public administration, followed by studies at the University of Hanover
  • 2005 appointed as a certified tax advisor, employed at Ernst & Young
  • Since 2001 at Gehrke Econ, Managing Partner since 2014
Main focus
  • Advising on tax structures
  • Real estate tax law
  • Corporate and tax restructurings
  • Tax due diligence / Tax compliance
  • Compiling financial statements pursuant to commercial law and tax law
