People at Gehrke Econ
Thanks to interdisciplinary cooperation, at Gehrke Econ you will find a specialist for all topics related to tax consulting, auditing, legal advice and management consulting.

Michael Bautz
° Tax advisor ° Managing Director
- Apprenticeship as a tax clerk
- 1997 appointed as a certified tax advisor
- Since 2013 Managing Director of Gehrke Econ Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
Main focus
- Compiliation of financial statements for stock corporations and partnerships and special purpose frameworks
- Drawing up the associated tax returns
- Providing assistance during tax audits

Jens Bruns
° Diplom-Kaufmann (FH) ° Tax advisor ° Manager ° Partner
- Apprenticeship as a tax clerk, university studies majoring in tax, auditing and banking
- 2004 Appointed as a certified tax advisor
- Since 2014 Managing Partner
- Lecturer in “MBA, Management of SMEs” for masters students at the University of Hanover
Main focus
- Private and business tax returns
- Succession issues and transfers of private wealth
- Advising not-for-profit organizations”

Sven Dierking
° International business graduate ° Business consultant ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Studies at International Business School, Lippstadt
- Since 2000 employed at Gehrke Econ
- Since 2013 Managing Partner
Main focus
- Design and implementation of controlling systems, cost accounting
- Corporate finance
- Assisting M&A activities / advising on succession issues”

Werner Flügge
° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Auditor ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Apprenticeship in banking followed by studies at the Remote Learning University of Hagen and Georg-August-University, Göttingen
- 1997 appointed as a certified tax advisor
- 2000 appointed as a certified public auditor
- Since 2005 Managing Partner
Main focus
- Reorganizations and reorganization tax law / corporate reorganizations
- Business rescues and restructuring, expert reports pursuant to IDW S 2, S 6, S 9 and S 11
- Transaction advisory and business valuations S 1
- Legal defense/ representing clients during tax audits”

Dr. jur. Nicolas W. Garstka
° Lawyer ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Studies in Hanover
- 2001 admission to practice law
- Employed at the law firm, Götz-Werner von Fromberg & Collegen
- Since 2016 Managing Partner
Main focus
- Corporate and commercial law (advisory and contracts)
- Insurance law (life, accident, disability and D&O)
- Litigation (representing insurance companies, litigation with directors, tax advisors liability)

Ulrich Gehrke
° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Auditor ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Studies with a focus on tax and auditing, thereafter employed at KPMG and EY
- Since 1992 Managing Partner
- Advisory board of and HANNOVER Finanz
- Member of the Executive Committee of the global advisory network GGI
- Lecturer in “MBA, Management of SMEs” for masters students at the University of Hanover
Main focus
- Advising on tax structures
- Advising on anticipated succession issues
- Private asset management

Olaf Goldmann
° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Auditor ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Studies at the University of Göttingen
- Employed at PwC and other large advisory firms
- Since 2014 Managing Partner
Main focus
- Auditing and advising SMEs and groups of companies
- Auditing separate and consolidated financial statements (HGB and IFRS)
- Restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, due diligence

Stephan Hachmeyer
° Sustainability-Auditor IDW ° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Auditor ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Trained as an industrial clerk and studied economics in Paderborn
- Worked for PwC for many years
- Appointment as tax consultant 2010 / as auditor 2014
- Since 2021 Managing Director
Main focus
- Preparation, consulting and review of sustainability information
- Auditing and consulting of medium-sized industrial companies and handicraft enterprises
- Accounting of annual and consolidated financial statements according to HGB and IFRS
- Auditing of IT systems in small and medium-sized enterprises (project-related or regularity and security requirements)
- Business audits (ISAE 3000 / ISRS 4400)

Anika Hartmann
° Diplom-Kauffrau (FH) ° Specialist consultant for corporate succession (DStV e. V.) ° Tax consultant ° Managing director ° Partner
- Business studies at the Wilhelmshaven University of Applied Sciences
- Appointed as a tax consultant in 2012
- Worked as a tax consultant in various medium-sized tax consulting firms
- With Gehrke Econ since 2022
Main focus
- Tax structuring advice
- Tax advice in company succession processes
- Support during tax audits
- Ongoing tax support for medium-sized groups of companies and preparation of annual financial statements and tax returns
- Implementation of tax training courses

Dr. Dennis J. Hartmann
° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Auditor ° Tax advisor ° Specialist in international tax law ° Specialist consultant for restructuring and corporate planning (DStV e.V.) ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Studies of commerce at the Universities of Hanover and Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Diploma)
- 2011 appointed as a certified tax advisor, 2013 as a public auditor
- Employed at Hannover Rück, Linklaters and PwC
- Since 2018 Managing Partner
Main focus
- Tax consulting
- Restructuring
- Tax structuring of company acquisitions and sales
- Due Diligence
- International tax law and transfer pricing
- Reorganisation and restructuring
- Audit of annual financial statements
- Special audits

Thorsten Hunsalzer
° Lawyer ° Specialist lawyer for insolvency and reorganisation law ° Managing Director ° Partner
- 2004 – 2019 Attorney-at-law in insolvency administrator law firms
- 2016 – 2019 Appointed as insolvency administrator
- 2019 Legal Counsel and restructuring advisor at Volkswagen AG
- Since 2020 with Gehrke Econ
- Since 2021 Managing Partner of Gehrke Econ Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Main focus
- Advice on restructuring, insolvency, self-administration and protective shield proceedings
- Preparation and support of insolvency plans
- Advice to managing directors, in particular managing director and shareholder liability
- Enforcement and defense of insolvency avoidance claims
- Creditor representation

Franz-Josef Kirse
° Dipl.-Ing. agr. ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Managing Partner of Gehrke Econ Celle Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH with locations in Celle and Hermannsburg
Main focus
- Business succession
- Selection of legal form
- Tax structures (private and business)
- Gift tax, estate tax
- Agricultural and forestry sector

Lars Krümmel
° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Business consultant ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Apprenticeship in banking specialist and study of business administration (university Münster)
- Certified restructuring and refurbishment consultant (IFUS Institute)
- 2002 – 2004 Examination-related advice at PricewaterhouseCoopers
- 2004 – 03. 2019 SME consulting at hahn,consultants gmbh
- Since 04. 2019 Gehrke Econ Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft mbH
- Managing Partner of Gehrke Econ Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft mbH since 05. 2020
Main focus
- Concept development and implementation support in restructuring/refurbishment phases
- Growth advice and succession planning
- Corporate management and controlling

Martin Lütge
° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Managing shareholder of Gehrke Econ Lehrte Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH with locations in Lehrte and Peine
Main focus
- Financial statements, tax returns for businesses
- Drawing up tax returns for private persons
- Advising on welfare facilities (PBV)
- Business formations and business consulting
- Assisting during tax field audits

Gesa Meyer
° Tax advisor ° Managing Director
- Trained as a wholesale and foreign trade clerk
- Studied economics with a focus on “Accounting and Management” in Osnabrück
- Worked for PKF Fasselt Schlage in Braunschweig
- Appointed as a tax consultant in 2018
- With Gehrke Econ since 2018
Main focus
- Preparation of annual financial statements and the associated tax declarations
- Support during tax audits
- Tax structuring advice

Ralf Schnippengerd
° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Auditor ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director
- Studies at the University of Münster
- Employed at PwC and a cooperative auditing association
Main focus
- Auditing and advising SMEs and groups of companies
- Auditing separate and consolidated financial statements (HGB and IFRS)
- Restructuring, company valuation, due diligence

Denise Staak
° Dipl.- Juristin ° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Apprenticeship in higher public administration, followed by studies at the University of Hanover
- 2005 appointed as a certified tax advisor, employed at Ernst & Young
- Since 2001 at Gehrke Econ, Managing Partner since 2014
Main focus
- Advising on tax structures
- Real estate tax law
- Corporate and tax restructurings
- Tax due diligence / Tax compliance
- Compiling financial statements pursuant to commercial law and tax law

Kristin Süßenbach
° Tax advisor ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Trained as a tax clerk
- Business studies with focus on tax and auditing at the FHDW Hannover
- Joined Gehrke Econ in 2013
- 2020 Appointment as tax consultant
- Since 2022 Managing Partner
Main focus
- Private and business tax declaration
- Company succession and private asset transfers

Oliver Vogt
° Diplom-Kaufmann ° Business consultant ° Managing Director ° Partner
- Apprenticeship in industrial business followed by studies in Augsburg
- Employed at Unilever
- Since 2002 Managing Partner
Main focus
- Assisting companies with holistic business analytics – particularly for restructuring and business rescue
- Developing and implementing tailored business strategies
- Coaching family-owned companies in succession issues
- Holistic advisory for transactions involving SMEs
- Establishing and implementing budgets and controlling instruments
- Installing and accompanying benchmarking workshops
- Coach at the KfW development bank for business turn-arounds