More than just an aphorism, whoever provides business consulting must think like a businessman, of this we are convinced. Taking a hands-on approach with your eyes on the goal. Our business consultants will help you to anchor your market position, align your company towards your business goals and make a start towards a successful future.
Market makers instead of market players.
We draw up holistic concepts, make your business perspectives transparent, create integrated planning statements and generate informative reporting. Let our in-depth industry expertise and market knowledge, strategic expertise, interdisciplinary networks, creativity, empathy and anticipation of future events convince you of our merits.
Diversity is trumps: we rely on our Winsulting® service philosophy to create perspectives out of our analyses. Our business people, commercial experts, tax advisors and lawyers have unconventional ideas at the ready to identify risks, draw up alternatives and point out new avenues. What destination can we accompany you to?

“Business comes from being busy – and from us.”

Strategic business consulting
In addition to tax advisory services and auditing, the field of strategic business consulting is becoming increasingly significant. Our business consultants keep a suite of accounting solutions for your business in store.
Strategic business consulting – examples of our services
- Advising you on the structures of your organization, including your IT organization (supporting you with the selection, introduction and application of suitable software and hardware)
- Developing and introducing new internal control systems (ICS), documenting your procedures in policy manuals, developing these into a risk management system (Sec. 91 (2) AktG)
- Developing and introducing cost accounting systems (cost categories, cost centers and cost accounting) as well as cost accounting methods using a full or partial cost basis (calculating margins)
- Developing and introducing comprehensive controlling and information systems for management (reporting) for both standalone companies and groups of companies (including consolidation during the year)
- advising and drawing up planning statements based on the latest business developments and also in special cases (e.g. formations, acquisitions)
- Planning statements for the following areas:
- Earnings projections (for a planning horizon of 3-5 years including itemized accounts, identifying key data for capital expenditure and financing.
- Deriving balance sheet projections
- Deriving rolling cash flow projections
- Testing cash flow statements
- Budget deviations can be performed using the controlling system. The planning statements can be presented for alternative scenarios.
- Developing business rescue and restructuring concepts; assisting with their execution (drawing up insolvency plans pursuant to Sec. 217 et seq. InsO)
Corporate governance
Value-based management and risk-oriented corporate governance are founded on integrated planning statements (earnings, cash flow and balance sheet projections) as well as informative reporting about business developments during the year.
Our commercial expertise and efficient data-processing instruments provide a basis from which you can define and attain your desired returns. Information that is available at your fingertips sheds light on the factors that are promoting or impeding your business performance. They allow you to react at an early stage and make both operating and strategic decisions to keep your company on track.
Integrated planning statements
The traditional accounting records of a company are not particularly forward-looking. Rather, they are kept to document the past. However, forward-looking planning is a prerequisite for reacting to business challenges at an early stage with the right decisions.
We would be happy to explain the closed planning system of Gehrke Econ to you, how the integrated planning statements work – income statement projections, cash flow statements and balance sheets – the elements of the planning statements and more. Simply contact us by email.
Restructuring and business rescue
Restructuring and reorganization
Mastering crises with all your might
A corporate crisis can have many causes. Interpreting the first warning signs correctly and in good time is a demanding entrepreneurial task. In order to remain competitive in the future, accurate countermeasures are required. Gehrke Econ supports the management at an early stage.
Root cause analysis
If necessary due to the progress of the crisis, the primary goal in a first step is to achieve short-term stabilization of business operations, in particular liquidity, by means of immediate measures. After weighing up alternative restructuring options, the prioritized restructuring scenario is drawn up jointly. As part of a holistic analysis of the current situation, the causes of the crisis must be fully identified. The results of the analysis form the basis for the subsequent development of the restructuring concept. Throughout the entire process, the active involvement of the current management team as well as key key players in the company is a central element in overcoming the crisis.
Sustainable competitiveness
Restructuring and turnaround means much more than cutting budgets and reducing expenses. Rather, it is a matter of adapting strategy, structures and processes as well as financing modules via defined holistic mission statement measures with the aim of regaining sustainable competitiveness and thus achieving a return to economically viable corporate management.
Implementation support
The special situation makes it necessary to act quickly and consistently when implementing measures, while at the same time maintaining the necessary empathy for the people involved in order to keep everyone motivated. The newly created structures and processes must be made permanent in the sense of early risk detection.
Your personal added value
The WINSULTING team of Gehrke Econ creates clarity and reliability in crisis situations and restores confidence in the progress of the turnaround by actively accompanying the implementation and reporting.
The WINSULTING team supports you at an early stage, and accompanies you throughout the entire process
- Quick check company situation
- Analysis of weak points
- Continuation/ going concern forecasts
- Short-term liquidity planning
- Examination of solvency (IDW S11)
- Independent Business Review (IBR)
- Restructuring concepts (IDW S6)
- Implementation support
- Restructuring controlling
Restructuring and reorganization consulting by Gehrke Econ creates trust based on transparency and resilience in the reorganization process through the independent support of a third party with experience in the situation, thus increasing the willingness of all parties to cooperate.
Corporate transactions
Gehrke Econ has played a successful supporting role in numerous corporate transactions. One of our core competences is drawing up integrated planning statements that can be used to determine business values in keeping with the requirements. Thanks to the interdisciplinary cooperation between our specialists, we are well equipped to handle any commercial, tax or legal challenges.
With support from our cooperation partner, Corporate Finance Hannover, we can offer you the entire portfolio of M&A services from just one source. In the case of a sale or acquisition of a company, we can also perform the legal, contractual, tax and financial due diligence prior to signing the deal. If requested, we can also search for a suitable buyer and facilitate the negotiations.
Location analysis
Transparency for your business success
By planning your new business location, you lay an important foundation for your entrepreneurial future. With our services we support you in choosing the right location for a successful business development!
We are happy to support you in this process.
Your contacts

Sven Dierking
- Studies at International Business School, Lippstadt
- Since 2000 employed at Gehrke Econ
- Since 2013 Managing Partner
- Design and implementation of controlling systems, cost accounting
- Corporate finance
- Assisting M&A activities / advising on succession issues”

Lars Krümmel
- Apprenticeship in banking specialist and study of business administration (university Münster)
- Certified restructuring and refurbishment consultant (IFUS Institute)
- 2002 – 2004 Examination-related advice at PricewaterhouseCoopers
- 2004 – 03. 2019 SME consulting at hahn,consultants gmbh
- Since 04. 2019 Gehrke Econ Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft mbH
- Managing Partner of Gehrke Econ Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft mbH since 05. 2020
- Concept development and implementation support in restructuring/refurbishment phases
- Growth advice and succession planning
- Corporate management and controlling

Oliver Vogt
- Apprenticeship in industrial business followed by studies in Augsburg
- Employed at Unilever
- Since 2002 Managing Partner
- Assisting companies with holistic business analytics – particularly for restructuring and business rescue
- Developing and implementing tailored business strategies
- Coaching family-owned companies in succession issues
- Holistic advisory for transactions involving SMEs
- Establishing and implementing budgets and controlling instruments
- Installing and accompanying benchmarking workshops
- Coach at the KfW development bank for business turn-arounds