Gehrke Econ is a member of GGI Global Alliance AG, a global leader among the international alliances, and an independent partner. GGI Global Alliance AG counts among the top 10 multidisciplinary international alliances in the fields of
- law, auditing, tax advisory
- corporate finance, mergers & acquisitions
- business consulting, asset structures and succession planning
The members of GGI Global Alliance AG are economically and organizationally independent of each other and therefore do not meet the definition of a network laid out in Sec. 319b HGB.
More than 800 offices worldwide in over 120 countries ensure direct contact to advisory firms in the respective national markets. You can profit from our international contacts when expanding across borders.
Thanks to GGI, we can provide you with comprehensive answers to questions about national laws, compliance, or market entry and facilitate access to the global markets. We would be happy to stand at your side on your way to international success.
More information on GGI can be found at
About GGI – Disclaimer
GGI Global Alliance AG is a leading global alliance of independent service professionals. GGI Global Alliance AG, a company incorporated in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, operates solely as an administrative resource of the alliance, and therefore provides no legal, audit or other professional services of any type to third parties. Such services are provided solely by GGI member firms in their respective geographic areas.
GGI and its member firms are legally distinct and separate entities. These entities are not and shall not be construed to be in the relationship of a parent firm, subsidiary, partner, joint venture, agent or a network.
No member firm of GGI has any authority (actual, apparent, implied or otherwise) to obligate or bind GGI or any other GGI member firm in any manner whatsoever.
Equally, GGI does not have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All GGI members are independent firms, as such they all render their services entirely on their own account (including benefit and risk), without any involvement of GGI and/or other GGI member firm.
Your contacts

Ulrich Gehrke
- Studies with a focus on tax and auditing, thereafter employed at KPMG and EY
- Since 1992 Managing Partner
- Advisory board of and HANNOVER Finanz
- Member of the Executive Committee of the global advisory network GGI
- Lecturer in “MBA, Management of SMEs” for masters students at the University of Hanover
- Advising on tax structures
- Advising on anticipated succession issues
- Private asset management

Sven Dierking
- Studies at International Business School, Lippstadt
- Since 2000 employed at Gehrke Econ
- Since 2013 Managing Partner
- Design and implementation of controlling systems, cost accounting
- Corporate finance
- Assisting M&A activities / advising on succession issues”